Thursday, February 22, 2007

Madonna and beautiful Lourdes

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Madonnas only daughter, Lourdes, will not be allowed to date until she is 18 years old. There are no magazines, newspapers, TV's, or junk food in Madonnas house either. I'd run away if I was Lola, I'd make sure and grab one of moms credit cards first, but, I'd run!


Anonymous said...

Well, not too sure about those methods of parenting. I think kids should be kids and get to enjoy things in moderation. I'm a health nut but when I take care of children of my friend's I give them snacks if they want them.


Anonymous said...

It must be hell living with that control-ass freak b***h. Even though she keeps them from the media just to hide all that attention whore shit she did in the past, you know kids at school must tease them and tell them stuff like, "God your Mom is such a whore!" I see some serious therapy in this girl's future and a serious life of debauchery for her brother.

crystal said...

would hate to be around when she does turn 18 lol.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous head of hair that girl has.... :)
Madonna wants to avoid Lourdes turning into a clone of her, so she has to protect her from all outside influence. I bet the kid runs away at 16 ....

Anonymous said...

Madonna used to publicly bitch about her overly strict father, about how she had no freedom and how, as a teen, she could never do any of the fun things that her friends were doing...hmmm.