Sunday, March 4, 2007

Britney goes crazy again..sources tell

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According to News Of The World, they have a source from Promises who said Britney tried to kill herself last night. Brit begged Kevin to give her another baby, drew 666 on her shaved head and screamed "I'm the anti-christ"and "I'm a fake"..later she tried hanging herself with a sheet.

I might have believed that rumor, but, they kind of went too far when they said she begged Kevin for another baby. I don't think so. That girl was pregnant for two years straight, she'd have to be totally off her nut to want to do it again. I think I'd have tied my tubes with a crochet hook by now if I was her.

I guess that rumor would stop Brooke Shields from visiting. >Snorts< Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wow, she's as great at art as she is singing? Who knew?


Anonymous said...

I don't buy that. If she did that it wasn't because she's that crazy. Maybe it's all a ploy and then she's gonna sell her story to Lifetime.

Unknown said...

I think at this point she just wants sympathy! Good luck to her!!! Damn trailer trash nasally singing hooker!