Saturday, March 3, 2007

John Travolta can plan the gender of his baby

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Travolta claims he and wife, Kelly Preston used different techniques to plan the sex of their children. "There are these other things where you have to decide if you want to have a boy or a girl. There are certain techniques you use. It worked twice. We wanted a boy the first time and we got a girl the second time. It has to do with positions and results and all sorts of intricate things."

Uhhh, yeah. And if you pendulum the preg belly you can tell. Back and forth..boy. In a circle..girl. I'm no Scientologist though, so obvioulsy I don't know squat.


Anonymous said...

He sounds like an ignorant fool. I used to like him, too.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that too, about the different positions and pre-conception diet affecting the sex of your baby. I am not sure I believe it. Seems like something EVERYONE would know about if it did work.