Tuesday, March 27, 2007

No, YOU shut up

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I'm sick of people telling me I'm a moron and to shut up because I think ParAss Hilton got a boob enhancement. No, YOU shut up. She did! WTF are ya blind?


Anonymous said...

full on fake ta-tas.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe she got that ever-so-famous mid-twenties growth spurt, that so many celebutards get. It usually comes on after visiting a surgeon.


Anonymous said...

maybe it is a fantastic bra

Anonymous said...

There is no bra in the world that could help those things...Believe me I'm built the same lol!!!! Definitely Fake!!

Anonymous said...

She DEF got a boob job. Unfortunately I watched the sex tape, and I know they were a LOT smaller than that, no matter how good the push up bra.

Anonymous said...

no bra can fake volume like that. unless she's smuggling 10 chicken cutlets in that dress, those be fake boobie. for real.

Anonymous said...

really though, who cares if she bought them? Lots of other people buy them

Anonymous said...

She's got fake hair, why not fake tits?!

Anonymous said...

Well why not? They match everything else that remotely pertains to her... Fake.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for article!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for interesting article.

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Anonymous said...

Hello! Interesting article, thanks to author!