"NEW YORK, April 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Paris Hilton's naked "corpse" could provide an invaluable service to students preparing for prom this season.An interactive Public Service Announcement featuring the graphic display of a tiara-wearing, autopsied Paris Hilton with removable innards is designed to warn teenagers of the hazards of underage drinking. The display also features Tinkerbell, Hilton's forlorn pet Chihuahua with matching tiara, and debuts in the trendy Williamsburg, Brooklyn neighborhood whereprom-goers frequently dine, courtesy of Capla Kesting Fine Art."
If you always had a hankering to cut up ParAss Hilton and take out her innards, now's your chance. This ParAss "art" piece won't mind, she still has her cell phone in her hand in case she needs to call Niclole Richie and mumble "that's hot." Yep, this is just the ticket to make teenage boys and prom queens stop speeding, drinking, driving. Cough. I just don't know why they had to drag poor Tinkerbell into this mess. What'd Tink ever do to anybody?
Actually this "corpse" is cool.
This looks like she's ready to get fucked.
Yeah, I didn't get the arched back and spead legs either. Is this how they do autopsys??? Not according to the gross shit I look up on the internet..errr I mean, not according to medical sources I've consulted.
Erm... she died in that position.
lol Chloe! Good one!!
how do you get to the removable innards??? i bet her liver is harder than any guy she's been with...
she is such a slut and so last year. puke.
Even if she "died in that position" stay in that position on the slab!
I guess David Caruso and Paris Hilton have a lot in common - he's a male slut, she is a female slut...a perfect match!!!
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