Friday, April 20, 2007

Paris and James Blunt

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Someone always has a camera. Ewwww.


Anonymous said...

He's got the ol Crazy Eye.

Anonymous said...

who hasn't Paris F*cked!?!!?.....Don't they know she's a walking venereal disease...Or is VALTREX the new sexy? EW

Anonymous said...

She looks like the corpse bride, and he looks like the evil genious that brought her to life.

Anonymous said...

I like James Blunt. His CD is just great..Talented man..but, look at him, put some weird makeup on his face and doesn't he have that Marilyn Manson kinda look. It's just something about that pic.


Anonymous said...

It's the desperate John Mayer/Jessica Simpson effect. Another intelligent musician struck dumb by a stupid, freakin' bleach blonde...except I don't think Jessica is gonna give John something he'll need an antibiotic for later.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I think Jessica is ten million times better than Paris. Poor Jessica, being compared with such waste of human being.