Kim's running her big mouth again and says she didn't want to play sidekick to ParAss in the world of party whore where they reside. Kim also says she wants no part of Britney Spears because she doesn't want to be caught up in that whole "Brit fucked some dude in a restroom" hoopla and all the drugging going on.
First of all, the only reason for Kim to be bringing all this up now is for attention. Her silly ass excuses for narcing off her friends don't cut it with me. It was none other than Kim Kardashian herself who narced Britney Spears off on the bathroom fiasco. (The one I know about is Brandon Davis) You know, young people party and do stupid things, just because we made fun of Brit for that doesn't mean we actually gave a crap. Now Kim claims she doesn't do drugs or booze and that's more ridiculous babble from a know liar. Yeah, she never had a sex tape either, even though I had links to it on here.
I don't like this girl and she dumped on Paris Hilton big time. Now you guys know I think Paris is a spoiled ego driven turd most of the time, but, damn! She has the worst luck in friends. Maybe she has a reason for being so nasty..people have really dumped on her and used her like a dog.
As for Poontang...she dumped Paris too, telling her she was bad for her image THEN going on to psycho out alone and end up in rehab. I can't help but think these are just bad friends. How can all this crap be ParAss's fault?
ParASS IS a dog and should be dumped on.
ParAss is an ass, that's why I call her ParAss, but, her skank friends are even worse.
Agree, her friends are trash.
she runs with wolves, what do you expect. When's the last time you saw her having lunch with a respectable person, male or female?
Does Elliot Mintz count? Heh.
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