Pete guyliner Wentz has opened up his own bar in NYC, and besides giving it a really lame name and calling it a "a dive for losers".. it's also a place where you can hump in the bathroom.
Wentz said: "It will be a bit of a dive, which we need. We finally have aplace where all our loser friends can hang out!"We'd had enough of all the pretentious clubs with strict door policies which feel uptight when you finally get in."We really just want someplace where we can hang out and be ourselves. Iwant to be like any other regular and drink umbrella cocktails."
One of his partners added... "This will be a place that anyone can go and have sex in the bathroom and not get in trouble."
This whole young party crowd (and I'm including Brit, Paris, Lohan, Kim Stewart, Kim Kardashian, Pete and Ashlee, and all of them) hang out in dives all the time. They also have sex in bathrooms and it hasn't caused a problem yet, unless you count the multitudes of celebs complaining about waiting in line to snort their nose candy while someone like Britney is blowing Brandon Davis in the john. So, why make a new dive? This is great though, we'll get stories of who gets in and who's refused because they're not friends. Friends equals someone who's a celeb but not as important as Ashlee and Pete. Can't miss those photo ops on the dance floor. I say he's bored with this in two months and they start a celeb rehab or a hemp clothing factory. Douchebags.
Would any of us be proud of them if they were our kids?. If you want to have a place for your loser friends to hang out and have sex in bathrooms; dont lock your front door.
They look coked up.
Don't they have enough places for that already. f e Lindsays room, Paris' house, etc
Nothing screams CLASS than getting nailed in a toilet!
ashlee looks weird in this pic and about 14
you know...if his friends are such "losers", then why is he hanging out with them AND, if i was one of his friends, i don't think i would appreciate being a called a loser....and the last and most important question....WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY ANYWAY? from what i see, he is famous for boinking with the young skanky ho-wood.
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