Ellen hurt her back so she's doing her shows from a hospital bed on the set. I'd think that joke would get old in about two minutes, but wtd do I know? Anyhow, she's got Lindsay Blohan comming on to lie to her and I'm told it will air tomarrow. Dammit, I have to work tomarrow so I'll miss it, but, I'm sure I can catch it on You Tube. I love watching Blohan lie, it's fascinating to me. Her eyes get all wide and innocent and she says things like "I'm a 20 year old girl and I just like to go dancing with my friends, I don't know why bad people make up things about me." She lied right to Oprahs face, so, no doubt, Ellen won't get any truth out of The Blow.
Oh, and Blohans latest statments about her life crack me up..
"The thing about the press and why they need to leave me the [bleep] alone for a little bit is because I don't want that distraction from my work. I want to get a nomination. I want to win an Oscar. I want to be known for more than, like, going out. For being 'the party girl.' I hate that. I bust my [bleep] when I'm filming, and when I gave time off, yeah, I like to go out and dance."
I love Blohan's unthought out lies. She isn't a good actress either, you can always tell she's lying her ass off. If she ever wins an Oscar, I'll probably delete this site. There's only so much bullshit I can take.
1 comment:
Why would any of us be surprised if she got an Oscar?. It's the Hollywood way of self-congratulating, Scorcese is a perfect example. Good actors and directors that decide to do work instead of towing the line for a particular group's pet cause are doomed to receive a "lifetime achievement" Oscar.
However, if the Hollywood oligarchy decides that a person should get a prize for their loyalty to their "cause du jour"; an Oscar will be the reward. (Al Gore, Clintons).
Lindsay has already angered co-workers and studio directors, but none of that will matter. When the time comes if she has friends in the decision pipeline; she'll get her Oscar. puke
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