Friday, May 11, 2007

Cameron Diaz thinks she's beautiful

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Diaz, seen here with crack head stylist Rachel Zoe, thinks she gorgeous and doesn't mind telling us so.

She said, "If a woman who's a successful actress weighs 300 pounds and has warts, nobody ever asks her, 'Do you think you made it because you're ugly?' So why should there be prejudice against someone who's had some success in films and looks a little better than average. It's all in my genes, so don't hold it against me."

Uhhh, okay, I'll try not to, Cameron. Seriously, this is obnoxious. Who told her she was beautiful? Yeah, she looked great in The Mask, 400 years ago, now she looks like a kabuki mask from my nightmares. Going back to blonde helped some, but, not enough to brag about. I admit, she's got some great long legs, but, I wouldn't want them if I had to take her 3 foot wide grin and goofy acne scarred face. WTF is she talking about? Smoke some more weed and shut up, Cammie.


Anonymous said...

I cant stop looking at Rachel Zoe (will I turn to stone?), certainly not from the waist down!. Wow, what a horrible looking creature. Eat something healthy (more than one asparagus spear) and go out to exercise. Please Rachel!.

Anonymous said...

I've never thought she was attractive..her eyes always look deserted and she looks like death warmed over. I had read somewhere where she said Justin would never leave her because she was "perfect"..yep..she said perfect
