Friday, May 11, 2007

More Blohan that anyone should have to take today

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Seems The Blow is very upset about the coke rumors and pics. David Letterman was forbidden to ask her about it, but, she's been crying a lot over all the dope hoopla. She even had her lawyer issue a statement..

Her attorney said: said, "This just goes to show how hard it is to be Lindsay Lohan, who's even denied her privacy in the sacred confines of a ladies'-room stall and then must fend off the slings and arrows of false allegation."

Since when did a public pisser become "the sacred confines" of anything? It sounds like a Goddess worship meeting under a full moon. Get over it, Blow, it's a public john and if you wanna do your dope in there and brag about humping Jude Law for everyone to hear, just make sure you leave one stall open for chicks who don't give a crap about your circus life and just want to pee. Do the "slings and arrows of false allegation" make your cootchie itch? You should have that checked.


Anonymous said...

Typical. She is in denial and will never understand why she is being "punished" by the media. Same response that Paris gave. Her day will come sure enough when no one will want to deal with her; until then its a Blohan life.

Anonymous said...

She ages in dog years.
Drugs, alcohol, meanness, and self-consumption will do that to you, Linds

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO @ dog years. Good one.

Anonymous said...

I just love that picture of her - kind of says it all about her
