Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Lindsay Lohan scandal photos

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Pffft. For two days now, we've been teased with the promise that Lindsay Blohan was caught on film doing something scandelous. Now these pics surface, supposedly The Blow caught doing cocaine in a public bathroom. Oh, please. These photos are so grainy it might be The Blow eating a piece of cheese in a bathroom for all I know.

You'd have to be a real dope to think she's clean, so how is this news? I'd rather know who narced her off and took the pics and sold them...there's the real story. Which so called friend sold her out? I like this part of the story..

"One night we had gone back to her place and, as always, as soon as she walked through the door she stripped down to her thong, bent down and snorted cocaine off her coffee table and then off her toilet seat."

Why in frick would anyone, even The confusalated Blow snort off a toilet in their own home? Or Hotel, or wherever skanks live. That's just silly. Unless she has a toilet seat fetish. Which could be.

The rest of the "scandal" is all about men she's slept with, who we all know about and how she likes to strip in public, which we've all seen. Doh, there's no story here unless someone reveals the source of the shitty photos. I'm full of disappointment..I really hoped to see The Blow having sex with a monkey and a plunger.


Anonymous said...

Lindsay should really ask for her money back from that rehab place.

Anonymous said...

I used to do it on the back of the toilet at work way back when. Never the seat though. Grooooossss. Okay not that the tops that much better but at least peoples asses aren't ever on it... I hope!

Unknown said...

So Lindsey snorts coke Big Freaking Deal. DD, you should sue your sources for making you waste your valuable time and server space.


Anonymous said...

COOL this coke whore is finally caught!!!!!!!!!! Now what????