Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Katie and Suri in France

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The Sun (and a 1000 others) are saying Katie Holmes is pregnant and showing. I don't see a baby bump in these pics from today..all I see is a hot mom in the best bathing suit I've seen in ages. If I had her bod and half of Toms money I'd be one happy bitch. Oh, and a divorce. Gotta have the divorce. I'd have that sucker signed, sealed and delivered before Tammy Wynett could sing it all the way through. Then I'd stay in France and learn to insult him in a language he can't understand. There would be a lot of pointing and giggling.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that's not Tom?

Anonymous said...

well said DD and Crabbie LOL!

Dirty Disher said...

If that's Tom he's grown a foot.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a baby bump or boobies...It's a wonder Posh hasn't had her get some of those too...oh well...these things take time...hair first, then boobies..she can't get too Posh like all in a day!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think poshie pooh has legs or ass like that, damm. I want to know what kind of workout she does...I want to look like that!

Anonymous said...

her hair looks awesome. So much better than the long, stringy mess she had...And let's hope, for her sake she's not pregs...it would just make it that much harder for her when she and tom hit the wall.

-smut monkey

Katiesh said...

Personally, I think she is looking great for a brainwashed freak.

Anonymous said...

wow, she looks great.
Not emaciated like I was thinking she had become.
And, yea, fabulous suit.

Anonymous said...

ALL the members in the family have the same hair cut, NOT cute.

Anonymous said...

like the bathing suit too - at least she is happy around Suri.
