Monday, June 11, 2007

Paris Hilton talks some heavy with Barbara Walters

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Paris called Walters collect and Babwa accepted the call. Paris had some pretty odd things to say.

Paris said, "I used to act dumb it was an act and that act is no longer cute. I do not want to be that person for the young girls that looked up to me. I am 26 and it's a different time. God has given me this new chance."
She said her spiritual advisor told her, "My spirit or soul did not like the way I was being seen and that's why I was sent to jail. God has released me"

Paris claims she's seen the light and is now going to change and now realizes that she CAN do good things with her celebrity and wants to work in charity causes and maybe some more things that will help children.

Do I believe her dumbness was and act? Some of it, for sure. Paris has always been incredible at marketing Paris and has made herself millions from it. She also does some work with Make A Wish which isn't very public, so she's not quite as horrible as she's portrayed. However, I've only known two jail birds in my life that didn't start spouting about Jesus and God and how they've changed. That new found religous stuff is so much a part of inmate life that it's become the biggest joke in the world. It actually hurts real prisoners with parole boards and such.

Many of you thought I'd been championing Paris when in fact, I can't stand injustice in the criminal system, no matter who it's aimed at. I think she got a crap deal, but, now she's running her mouth about doing better things when she gets out, dropping the baby voice and dumb act and becoming a better person. Do you think she means it? I'd like to hear what you think, but, I can tell you this..she'd BETTER mean it.

I don't believe Paris will ever drive drunk again, she simply wouldn't to that to Paris (whom she loves very much.) But, now the world has heard her claims of being a better person and helping those less fortunate..if she doesn't follow through she WILL become the most hated person in the world.


Anonymous said...

I tend to hope for the best and expect the worst. We'll see what happens. It would be nice to see her be the leader for positive change amongst the pack of stick thin moronic female celebrities out there.

Anonymous said...

She is full of crap. I wouldn't be surprised if she violates her probation again.

Anonymous said...

You obviously are not an addict or a recovering addict in that you think Paris has learned a lesson about driving/not driving. IF she has learned that drugs/alcohol are the gateway to her hell THEN she will have learned a lesson. (many people can drink without consequences, because they have not crossed a "line" - I doubt at this point she is one of them)
But when an addict/alco. is using, all judgement goes out the window, and driving while blizted does not seem like a bad idea. Especially if you want to go somewhere in the wee hours. That explains why there are so many otherwise intellegent (no, I never have thought Paris was dumb) people are repeat offenders of driving illegally.

Dirty Disher said...

Me? Actually, I've been there. And I have been clean and drug n jail free for ages. Some people CAN change. When I finally said "never again" I meant it..I have hope for Paris, but, I'll be watching her and I'll be the first one to slam her if she turns out to be full of it. Is it terrible to have some hope for these famous people?

Anonymous said...

[..from the last posted anon]

no, it's not terrible to want the best for anyone, and I, for one, would probably be better off looking on the rosier side of things.
Maybe this HAS been enough to straighten her ass out; stranger things have happened.

Dirty Disher said...

Only time will tell. It sure is fun to watch a trainwreck if you're not on it though. I admit that. Heh.

Anonymous said...

I just hope she dissapears.
Criminal injustice.. That's what I call the Genarlow Wilson's case. This ho just gets what she had comming. Can't feel sorry for cry baby.