Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Britney Spears apologises to X17..sort of

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It says..

Dear x17,

I want to apologize for the past incedent with the umbrella. I was preparing a character for a possible movie role where the husband doesn't play his part so they swap places. Unfortunatly I didn't get the part. I'm sorry I got alil carried away with my role!


I think this shit is one of her most retarded moments and I'm sure she's trying to be witty and sarcastic. She's pathetic and shouldn't have bothered. That photog she beat up is still in heaven over the whole deal. She should get another umbrella and beat some more of 'em up and stop trying to sound smart. That's pathetic. At least I found someone who spells worse than me.


Anonymous said...

D.D , It's good that you typed it out , because no one would be able to read Britney's first grade hand writing or understand her pathetic grammar .

The ony reason to take her pic. or listen to what she has to say is for a good laugh !

Unreal ~

Anonymous said...

The least she could have done was bought some nice stationery to write on..sheesh..


Anonymous said...

She is trying to make sense of her erratic behavior without having to take responsibility. She sucks!!.