Thursday, July 26, 2007

Do something good..for free

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Okay, you guys know I'm not big on pushing charities at you, but, this is one that's so easy and costs nothing. All you have to do is click it and you've donated to help buy food for abandoned animals. It's from The Animal Rescue Site. I've been clicking it for two years and never got any spam or anything icky from it. I added it to my blogroll. No pressure..just whenever you remember it or have an extra minute.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for momentarily breaking from celebrity gossip in order to bring this incredibly worthy cause to our attention...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks, DD. I just found out about this site last week and try to remember to click everyday!

Anonymous said...

i do click it everyday!
all the animals that i have had in adulthood have been rescued ones!

you do rock DD!

Anonymous said...

Animals are innocent & defenseless , I have no problems defending them , speaking out for them & of course MAKING Sure they are ALL Fed !!!!!!!!!!!!


Please Spay or Neuter your pets :)

Susan from VA

Unknown said...

YES! Spay and neuter!!!!! My kitties all of them have been rescued as well. From a kitten who lost her mommy and siblings in 1988, a pregnant cat in 1989 (we found the kittens loving homes), three two-week-old kittens abandoned in a grocery plastic bag on the street on 1990, and another older pregnant stray cat, who later adopted the three kittens after hers didn't make it to this world in 1990 too. They all have had happy endings and a great life, and made it old. Sadly the last one of the grocery bag batch left this world at 17 four months ago. Now I have a rescued 8 month old male cat, he's a riot!

Anonymous said...

california has legislation on the books coming up for vote to make it mandatory to spay or neuter your pet within a certain time frame, unless you're a registered breeder. very controversial. would save thousands upon thousands of animal lives, but the repubs don't want the gov telling them what to do. go figure.

thanks for posting that DD!

Anonymous said...

Thank-You water Lilly for saving the cat family :)

I am a huge cat lover ( especially Siamese ! ) it's sad how cats still have a Bum Rap . They are the first to get blamed for everything from Allergies ( gawd forbid the allergy doctors & drug companies fall short of cash ) to aloofness ( Hello ! take time to socialize a cat / kitten ) and then there is how the media portrays cats :(

And about that California thing , I hope & pray it goes thru .

SPAY / NEUTER !!!!!!!!!! Stop the suffering !

Dirty Disher said...

This prove it. My posters are the best. You guys have heart.

Anonymous said...

Would it work if people from Australia clicked on it?

Dirty Disher said...


Anonymous said...

There is something identical to fund free mammograms. Here's the link if anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

As you know I have been away, so I am a bit late on this post - but have been clicking away since I got back - great post DD.
