Friday, July 27, 2007

Glug comes from the tap

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Everyone's all a goggle today because Aquafina admitted it's just tap water and must now be labled as such. P.W.S. will now grace the bottle, it stands for public water source..fancypoo for tap water. Oh, please, aren't we all smart enough to figure this out without the hubbub? Dasani is tap water. Evian, who's label claims it's bottled from glaciers in the French Alps, is probably straight out of the Hudson river. Wooooo. New York City is known for its good tap water though, in all fairness. Smartwater is distilled with electrolites..wowie! Hydrate the hydro. Fiji waters label claims it is not touched by the hand of man, until YOU open it. Dang..I wanted someones used bathwater. WTF? All I know is, I live in farm country, all our water is so polluted I'd be better off drinking from a NYC public toilet than drinking from my tap. So, I just buy distilled water in's cheap, it's clean, and I like it even though it isn't made by silver winged unicorns in fairy land mountain ranges with a rainbow in every bottle.

Psst..distilled is where it's at for clean water. It's the steam, you see. Leaves sediment behind and purifies the liquid. Like those stills that make that there corn liker in the hills. Ask Britney about that.


Anonymous said...

I've always hated this cheap ass brand.

Anonymous said...

Fiji water is full of arsenic.

If you drink Fiji water you can also drink the stuff dripping out of exhaust pipes.

Anonymous said...

5:01 was the Alli-pervert


Anonymous said...

I have always thought Evian tastes bad. I wonder where that water really comes from...

Anonymous said...

Why buying non-carbonated water anyway?

I am living in a country where the standards for tap-water are higher than bottled one.
The tap water is so good, that the taps which do not have drinkable water are explicitly marked.

And my country has a lot higher population density than the states.

In short: if your tap water is not good enough, your politicians suck and need to be shot.

The Alli-pervert

Anonymous said...

I thought Aquafina came from the Detroit river. Anyway, who the fuck cares where it came from? They filtered it and it tastes waaaaay better than what comes out of my tap. French alps or ghetto river, it all tastes the same when you process it.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I think carbonated water tastes horrible. Most Americans prefer still water to that bubbly stuff.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you ladies! What is the big deal?? I just don't get what all the hype is about. Everyone has been talking about this like it was the biggest secret ever - where the water came from. The label did not lie before and now it is just going to add more clarity. The water has always been clean, purified, and safe to drink, which is exactly what I look for in water.