Monday, July 23, 2007 more reason he's an asshole

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John Travolta is suing his local airport because they won't let him land his jumbo jet there anymore. The owners of the local airport say they can no longer accommodate Travolta’s Boeing 707, a four-engine Qantas commercial passenger jet, because their runway has deteriorated.

Who the fuck does this asshole think he is? He already has 3 private jets parked in his multimillion dollar driveway. I believe he has 5 total. Why does he need a jumbo jet? Is he taking on passengers for He's got to haul around who? Let's see, there's his own fat ass, his lesbo wife and her secret lover, his one kid, because the other one is always hidden and never goes anywhere, his secret homo lover, maybe one nanny, and whatever unfortunate fuck has to glue his wig on every morning. You don't need a jumbo jet for that, Travolta.

This guy makes me mad enough to spit nails. Talking the green up, out his ass, to us, and owning more jets than a small airline company. I'll go green when you figure out your fat wig wearing ass doesn't need a jumbo jet, Tardolta. Fix the local runway out of the goodness of your rich stingy heart. Call it community service. Then call the boobie hatch and check in. If hypocrisy was a crime..he'd get life.


Anonymous said...

You make me laugh sometimes.

Dirty Disher said...

Awwww. Like when I showed you my picture?

Anonymous said...

I said laugh, not vomit.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAH! Loooove the way Disher rips ass!

Anonymous said...

Disher is a dumbass!

Anonymous said...

3:55...are you john travolta's mommy?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you! I hate how the people that are so filthy rich think that they are entitled to shit just because they have money.

Fix the freaking runway John! Do a kind deed!

Anonymous said...

Now that is a legit Dish! Go girl

Anonymous said...

Talking "Green" is the new black. All those Hollywood types wanna be attached to the latest thang so they will get press. They don't really give a sh** as is shown by Mr.Revolta's plane tirade! Their religion hates the gays & all we've heard this week is about gay Scientologists! Hilarious! Being in that religion gets you more press than the best agent ever could!! Blech!

Anonymous said...

thank you thank you thank you! the "unfortunate fuck who glues on the wig ..." CLASSIC!

Anonymous said...

They haven't built 707s since 1978. He's so poor it makes me laugh.