Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fat ass Jolie

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Here's a photo of Angie on the set of Wanted. You might think I photoshopped it, but, I didn''s real. Gawd, Jolie. Go on a diet, you fat slob, you must weigh 70 pounds, at least.


Anonymous said...

Oh my!! She's so thin!! Something has to be going on for her to look that bad. "When the mid suffers; the body cries out."

Anonymous said...

That photo actually scares me. I am not joking. She looks like death walking. Well, barely walking.

Anonymous said...

She looks like one of those bugs that disguise themselves as sticks.

Anonymous said...

I swear, unless this new film "Wanted" is about concentration camp survivors or a woman's life and death struggle with anorexia-- what's the point?

That woman is absolute skin and bones and it's not in any way, shape or form, attractive.

She *does* look like death walking.

Anonymous said...

That is awful! She looks terrible. What is up with all of these woman celebrities that look that way.

It is NOT attractive or healthy!

SCarolina Girl

Anonymous said...

Stop making fun of Angie. Dont you see shes doing this for the world. Kids in these countries cant eat so she wont eat. Now shes just like her kids...exceopt for the blob but she doest really matter.

I seriously want to like ship a tub of lard to her so she'll maybe gain some curves back cause she use to have a cute figure.


Anonymous said...

That is what happens when someone gets AIDS !

Anonymous said...

Aids???!! How stupid can people be


Anonymous said...

Eliza ( Troll ! ) you are on this blog every chance you get defending anything & everything brAngelina !

Just Jared or Perez Hilton is definitely more suited for a brAngeloon like yourself .

It's obvious you are like twelve years old !

IDIOT !! Go back to the mall !!

Anonymous said...

Her legs look like a bird, she could be knockin knockin on deaths door by the looks of her. Looks like with all those kids she could get a hold of her self and eat.

Anonymous said...

What does that mean? "Aids! How stupid can ppl be"? It's a question of concern at this point, there has to be a health explanation. Is she sooo miserable & unhappy with her life that she cannot eat? Aids is a disease that makes ppl look like that sometimes. Just because you don't hear about it as much anymore doesn't mean it has gone away. It is a possibility ya' know?? It's not about her mom anymore.

Jan said...

Healthy people usually don't look like walking skeletons.

Anonymous said...

My husband looked like a skeleton when he was first dx with leukemia and deathly ill. Why would anyone that is "healthy" want to look like that? Makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Anon. Did I hit a nerve? *Pats your head* There, There. Look at the anger and hatred. Anger management mean anything to you?
Poor you, I certainly wouldn't want to be that angry in life.
I only checked back with this post because someone told me it was here. I never check back on posts that I post because usually there is a nasty comment from angry people like yourself on my opinion. So, in the future you can try to get some help for that anger you have inside and forget about posting stuff to me. I won't be back to read it :) But if it helps you get it out, then go ahead sweetie.
