Sunday, August 12, 2007

King of the wankers

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I don't give a poop about the alleged sexual assault at Hefs mansion. The charges were dropped and no details released so it was probably something stupid anyway. What I want to know is who buys this old coots crapola anymore? Why does he keep posing like this? This old bastard hasn't been out of his pajamas in 40 years and needs a dinner plate full of Viagra and some simulated SnM fantasies to even think about getting it up. I see stupid kids wearing the bunny logo all the time. Is that nonsense really still cool? You could take these three bimbos brain cells and combine them and MAYBE get something half as smart as that dog. Hef and his bunnies are SO over.


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that the assualt was on a person hired as staff for the party Hef was throwing, and this staffer had a restraining order against and ex. The ex showed up and apparently the matter was handled quickly and quietly.

I don't know how true the story is...but there it is.

Anonymous said...

I think he is pathetic and the 3 chicks are too!

Give me a break!

SCarolina Girl

Anonymous said...

Hefner is pathetic. But the three girls?

One of them (the one in the foreground. What is she called? Holly?) looks like Death. But the Bridget (?) one looks kind of nice. Nothing special - if I go to the ice cream parlor I will see at least half a douzend girls being at least looking as good as her. The last one - Kendra (the one in black on the left). IMHO she is kind of sexy - in a fake, strange way.

Are this three girls pathetic? Living with a man who calls his girls 'herd'? Maybe - but they get a lot of money, presents and expensive cars. That is not pathetic but clever. Milk the old pervert for all he got. What is the worst that could happen? Some fingering?

The Alli-pervert

Anonymous said...

Are you kiddin' me??? The man is a f'g genius! Love him, love the girls, love the show. You are the jealous 'herd'!!

Anonymous said...

guess pj's have that opening for him - better then walking around in underwear lol


Anonymous said...

Hefner was gross 40 years ago, but the idea of the groovy shagmaster seems to be picking up steam with young guys again. The girls are definitely along for the ride - what would they be doing otherwise? But girls like this are never as dumb as they look and I wouldn't be surprised if they were secretly pawning his collected crapola and fiddling bank accounts - I certainly hope so.
