Sunday, August 12, 2007

Paula, you're batshit crazy

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I finally got around to watching Paula Abduls reality show. I shuddered through the first couple of episodes and figured I was in it for the long haul or had no balls at all, so I watched them all. Abdul is a trainwreck of unimaginable proportions. Anna Nicloe had nothin' on this chick. She's a self centered, drug addicted, mood swinging, baby babbling, crying, freaking, sad assed mess.

I wouldn't recomend this bad vibe show to anyone, in fact it made me so uncomfortable I won't even post any of it. If you want to see it, just type in Hey Paula on You Tube. It made me so confused and depressed I burned sage and sweetgrass in the room after I watched it. I'm not joking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thot of watching it & even the previews skeeved me out & I didn't watch. Don't care. Don't watch AI either, don't care anymore. Since no one else has commented on this I am guessing I am not alone!!