Friday, August 24, 2007

A fugger gets robbed!

Thieves snuck into Kirsten Dunst's NYC hotel room and made off with her hair stylist and makeup artist! No, not really, she always looks like that. In fact that's a good picture, usually she scares me and I have to put down my pop tart and gag a little. The thieves actually got away with quite a haul. Digital cameras, an Ipod, cell phone, over two grand in cash and a 13 thousand dollar handbag. A THIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR HANDBAG?????? Gawd, I hope they do life. I feel like crying and I don't even like her.


Anonymous said...

I forget why do we hate her again? She drink and drive? Hurt children? Or just because she is young,, famous and rich? That bitch.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't hate her. She's a good actress..I just wish she knew what a bath tub was for.

Anonymous said...

sex??? planting marijuana? Making moonshine? Sawing the body parts off? Right?

Anonymous said...

you can plant marijuana in the bathtub?? hmm -eyes up the tub-

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why *I* hate her;

I hate her because she was at one time a beautiful woman with a fabulous and unique look and in the past year or so she's let herself go straight to hell.

I don't get it. She's got an A-List career many would give their right arms for, she's got her health and her youth, and she's wealthy enough to spend 13K for a handbag(!)-- and yet, LOOK at her!

For that matter, look at a few of her snaps from the past 12 months and you can see the progressive decline. I've heard rumors for a long time that she does coke and a few other drugs on a more or less recreational basis, but by the looks of her I can't help but wonder if she's made the transition to hardcore drug addict.


Anonymous said...

God, exactly.
She's starting to resemble Juliette Lewis hahahahahaaa

Jan said...

Personally, I hate anyone who spends on a handbag what I can afford to pay for a car.

Anonymous said...

She's a horrible actress. She was good in The Vigin Suicides, but not since then. Ugh, in Spiderman every scene she's in she is so horrible! Totally ruined those movies!

And I agree about spending that much on a handbag.

Give it to me and let me open an animal sanctuary with 3 or 4 stars' handbags is all it would take money-wise. Such a crying shame people spend like that for handbags.

I'm not sorry she got robbed. Not really. It's insane to pay that much for a habdbag. I hope the robbers can feed their family for a couple of years on that, or pay rent for a ocuple of years.

Anonymous said...

$13K for a bag & still hasn't fixed those nasty fangs? Good gawd! I got my daughter braces & made pmts. A girl just should have nice straight teeth. But she's a vampire, I forgot. Blech!!! Hate her. Who cares if she got robbed. She probably wouldn't have noticed except that somebody told her!