Friday, August 3, 2007

Jessica Biel ..not waiting around for Timberlake

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Seems Jessica met up with her ex boyfriend, Chris Evans, at a friends wedding. The two spent the evening holding hands, kissing and cuddling and then left together. Justin was on tour, and if Timbertard is going to keep calling Biel his "very dear friend" and insisting she not join him in certain countries, this is just what he deserves. I have a little more respect for JB now. I still think she might be a tranny, but, she's a tranny who has some self respect.


Anonymous said...

seems to be the trait in Hollywood - make the other jealous. If that is all people have, no wonder things don't work out lol.


Anonymous said...

As a MAN, she kinda scares with that mouth full o' chompers. Receiving oral sex from her is a test of trust.

Anonymous said...

I think that is funny I hope she got some from her ex, maybe Timberturd just isnt enough.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of hers but I say if this Chris person shows her respect then go for it. Justin is a loser. I mean he loves himself too much to have room for anyone else to love him. I say stay with Diaz..their egos fit.
