Thursday, August 9, 2007

Jordan doesn't breast feed

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Yeah, it's a controversial subject, but, Katie Price, seen here shit faced drunk says of bottled formula..

"It's brilliant. I have 20 crates of teats and bottles," she told the magazine.

"I don't have to sterilize or heat anything, you literally take the teat out, screw it on, and throw it away.

"I don't care what people say - you don't have to breastfeed ... I don't want a baby drinking from me - the thought of it makes me feel really funny."

I agree, you don't have to breast feed, but, it's good for the kid. However, there are some of us who are NOT into it for mental or physical reasons. The kid will be fine. But, the reason Katie doesn't want to seems to be so she can go out and get shnockered and show her crotch, which you can't do while breastfeeding. Well, you could show your crotch, but, not get hammered..unless you think your newborn would really benifit from a double gin and tonic.

I was surprised to read that ads promoting formula for kiddies under 6 months are banned in the UK..hey, Brit readers, is that true???


Anonymous said...

Is it even possible to get milk out of plastic???

I don't know.. :)


Dirty Disher said...

My milk comes in plastic jugs. I guess the Princess's doesn't. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Its a good thing she is not breastfeeding. She full of nasty stuff that will not be beneficial to a baby.

Anonymous said...

That is sooooo weird. If she can't even cope with the sensation of a baby sucking her nipple, how the fuck does she cope with the sensation of an orgasm?