Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mansons bizarre collections

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Marilyn Manson is being sued by his former band mates. They say he stole millions that were supposed to be shared with them. I don't know or care if that's true, what caught my interest was what they claim he spent the money on. Nazi memorabilia and taxidermy and...the remains of a young Chinese girl. I really can't even think of anything to say here. WTF? WHY??


Anonymous said...

Because he thinks that shit is cool. He's a brainless twat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i want to see what he looks like without all that freakish makeup. i know there is a pic of him like in high school but i want to see one recent. Anyone know where i can look to find it. Just curious.

Jan said...

Okay, I was gonna post some links, but there are way too many.

Just google:
Marilyn Manson "without makeup"

Anonymous said...

He makes me gag,blech! He puts the UG in UGLY! My gawd, he's just straight up gotesque looking. If he likes death so much why the eff doesn't he just die? BTW-He was a homely kid in school pics & was picked on by others, thats why he behaves like he does. He just wants to pi** everybody off. Now he is a thief too? No shock there!

Anonymous said...

so he can dress up as a Nazi with a stuff'ed animals and have sex with the remains of the Chinese girl.
HTH! ( hope this helps )

Anonymous said...

He's just a freak of nature and he loves it. He's the poster boy for that commercial "this is your brain on drugs"


Anonymous said...

Marilyn Manson is technically the definition of conforming non-conformist. Trent Reznor's science project gone awry...

Anonymous said...


constant drama said...

He tries sooo hard to be "shocking" but thing is, he no longer is. Give it up.

Take your stolen money and go into retirement.

Anonymous said...

Because he's a sick twisted freak. I kind of like his music though. I'm the same with Beyonce, I like her work but she's a mega-bitch.