Thursday, August 2, 2007

Question for my readers...

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Okay, they're saying Christina Aguilera is having a girl and Nicole Richie is having a boy. But, both of these chicks are not quite four months pregnant. It's been awhile since I had a baby. How soon can you tell the sex of the baby through ultrasound now? Is this more Hollywood BS?


Anonymous said...

I am currently 4 months pregnant with my first child. My doctor told me that at my next ultra sound next monday, he will be able to tell the sex of the child, as long as it doesnt have its legs closed. You can also have a blood test done at 13 weeks that will tell you the child's sex, and, in nicole's case, it can also tell the child's DNA. There are enough cells from the fetus in the mother's blood by 13 weeks to determine that. That particulat test is expensive, but celeb's can afford it.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks. Congrats on your baby! Will we have pics?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, of course! Love your site, I come everyday!

Dirty Disher said...

Awwww, great. Can't wait to see the little bundle.

Anonymous said...

At 15 weeks they told me I was having a boy, at 20 weeks they said it was a girl...I havn't had blood test done, my next appointment I will be 25 weeks, by then I will find out I am having an alien, my last ultra sound one of the pics looks like I'm having a turtle.


Anonymous said...

lmaooo @ swampy - I love ya girl and your sense of humour. Well I see your question was answered DD. I thnk they are pretty accurate the futher along you are and it has a lot to do with how the baby is positioned when the picture is taken.

I was never told (did't want to know) and I had an ultrasound on November 30 and my son was born Dec 5 and I still couldn't tell lol.

Dirty Disher said...

Swampy!! Maybe its twins!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Christina was married to Mr Peepers

i had no idea !!!! she is one charitable broad.

Anonymous said...

They can give you a pretty good guess at 12 weeks via ultrasound.