Friday, August 10, 2007

Rehab it is...

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Guess who took her filthy ballet slippers, her massive beehive and her crunchy short shorts to rehab? Yep, you know who I'm talkin' about. Despite the success of her song which claims she won't go..she did go, after three days of nonstop partying that landed her in the hospital. The amount of drugs and booze she consumed in three days shocked the crap out of me. She should be dead, but, I'm glad she isn't. Good luck, Amy Winehouse.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, good luck, Amy! We wish you the best of luck and I hope you're putting on your f**k me shoes before you know it!!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it was revealed today that Amy is *not* in rehab at all, but is (for sure, this time) holed up in a midlands Four Seasons hotel with her dealer--er, husband. They were even spotted at the hotel bar last night drinking it up.

So much for the stories about her family rallying 'round her at the Priory... (I had a feeling that was bs anyway-- what rehab allows your family in-- and in the first few days, or for extended visits? (Ok, ok... Promises might ;-)

Furthermore, it's also been established that she's not only been drinking heavily and using cocaine, ecstasy and "special K"-- but has been doing Heroin.

I sure wish I'd seen her show when she was in town, because frankly I don't think she's long for this world.