Sunday, September 23, 2007 from Burma?

The latest gossip, besides Angies odd babyish bump, is that the Jolie/Pitts are now in the process of adopting from Burma. *Angelina is desperate to help Burma and feels that adopting a baby girl there would gain awareness.*
Last time we laughed at adoption rumors, two days later they had Pax (who's so sweet looking, isn't he?) So, I don't know, but, it's probably true since all Brad can talk about lately is getting more kids.
I know you assume I was just lazy this morning (usually you'd be right) but, the power went out and I just got on here. No power=no air conditioning and NO COFFEE. And top that off with the fact that I had a three year old cramming a Nemo DVD in my face and crying hysterically. I should have tried to call Angelina and see how you explain electricity to a toddler. I'm sure she knows..she knows everything. We tried playing third world country, but, that didn't help.


Anonymous said...

Dirty Disher , You are hysterical LMFAO !

I'm sure if you started kissing mommie thinnest's bony ass and made your blog a worship shrine like so many others LOL ! Adoptalina would give you her momAlina advice on how to deal with toddlers ;) but is your's a third world orphan ? if not , then you are just like the rest of us greedy Americans , which Angelina hates & despises .

Dirty Disher said...

Mines a red headed cartoon addicted spit fire and we are both greedy American consumers.

Anonymous said...

Angelina adopted Brad and made him "numba 1 son", now Brad has to look after his brothers and sisters without making mommy mad. Don't spend too much money Brad, you are too clingy Brad, vote as I vote, you're too ignorant to make decisiions Brad. Get a tatoo like mine so I dont look so ridiculous, and make sure those idiots get Maddox' Beef Florentine lunch and his poached flounder snack right this time, or I wont give you the Guy Richie purple thing you like so much.

Anonymous said...

We tried playing third world country...that is too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

flava flaaaaav in is the hiz-ouse !

Miss Tia said...

see, angelina has what, 5 nannies?? you need a nanny...then when a kid gets out of control you hand them to the nanny...


Anonymous said...

Pax is very cute :)


Anonymous said...

Pax is cute, but he never smiles either ~ NONE of those kids do for some reason, they can't possibly be miserable, damn Zahara has a frickin $1,000 purse, when she grows up and sees pics of that, she's gonna ask her mother why the hell she didnt donate that money to her country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OH NOOO! Don't feel bad for the homely girl child...are you kiddin' me? Ha! That makes me f'g laff. She does not & will NEVER need or require yours or my pity.

Anonymous said...

She's going to have a life of ease and privilage, so far from needing pity.

I can imagine if as she matures and doesn't change her looks she'll be made fun of & have a harder time then she gets now from bloggers, rag mags and the hollywood privilage packs.

It's possible she'll grow into a real beauty, the basics are there, just a little too soon/young to tell.

Anonymous said...


No of course not, not when it comes to material things such as money and all the designer clothing and accessories anyone could want, but all those material possessions cant buy the girl good looks. She'll always feel inferior to Shiloh, altho I dont find her very cute either but just for the fact that the whole world DOES think she's a raving beauty, that and she's Ang and Brads natural child, trust me, it's gonna bother the hell out of her someday

Anonymous said...

Somebody put make-up on that poor unfortunate looking girl? Sure does look like it to me. She makes me yack & no Shiloh has a huge forehead just like her mom, only bigger. She's still a baby tho, kinda hard to tell how she will turn out. Does anon 5:50 think that a jealous Z will be planning Shiloh's demise when they are both teenagers?

Anonymous said...

She's soooo bow-legged & can't walk, I mean why else do they always have to carry her? She's big enough to walk. She needs those leg braces.

Anonymous said...

You guys are sooo mean to poor Z. You shouldn't make fun of people for how they look...they can't help character flaws are fun to exploit, but looks...that's just mean.

Anonymous said...

SkanAlina has the biggest head ( literally ) gawd ! that thing is huuuuge !!!

So are Burma babies the new fashion accessory ?! not mini flavs LOL ! And I guess little dogs , big handbags , kabbalah braclets & ugg boots are out too .

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:38

Yep, I sure do! Only I think it'll be way before then, it was already reported how jealous Mini-Flav is of Shiloh, I can see her stickin foreign objects in her ears and knockin her down the stairs.

Anonymous said...

Are you race profiling anon 10:11??? LOL! J/K!! Who the he** cares? Go ahead, play the race card! LOL! The kid is fug, sorry to anybody that offends. But they parade her around like she's their only kid sometimes! If she gets all angry when she sees Shiloh grow up & gets jealous then thats their problem. Blended families always have serious jealousy issues. I agree with you tho, it could soooo happen! She looks mean anyway!

Anonymous said...

Hell no, I'm not playin the race card, LOL, she's justnfug, plain & simple, if she was white, asian or mexican & had that face, she'd still be fug ... They said on vh1's most beautiful celeb babies that z was very very jealous of shiloh - and btw, z was NOT counted as one of the most beautiful babies, shiloh was, although I dont really think shes so gorgeous either

Anonymous said...

Just what Angieloonietoons needs, another orphan to parade around on her bony little hip. Its all for publicity anyway, if it wasnt she would keep them the hell out of the limelight.

Anonymous said...

Maybe AJ actually wants to help these children. Do any of u have a child from another country? Do any of you give money to homeless or anything like that? Yes maybe those children shouldnt be in the spotlight but then again why not they have been in the dark and no proper care and love for them so why not let them shine.

Anonymous said...

Z is actually rather cute when she smiles. (I think this is only the second time she's done so!) Pax is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Z isnt ugly or anything, she just REALLY REALLY looks like Flava Flav and I mean that with all seriousness, she could pass for his daughter.