Alice Ghostley who played the continuously befuddled witch Esmerelda on Bewitched died yesterday after a battle with colon cancer. She was 81. Rest in peace, Alice.
OMG! On I Love Lucy y'day Ethel made a reference to Marcel Marceau! OK, that was about 50+ yrs ago! & Alice Ghostly was hilarious, my fav Designing Episode of her was when she wore the X-mas tree skirt for an actual skirt, it was very gawdy & tacky. I LOVE it! She wore it the entire episode & she loved her new skirt. They couldn't ever get her to understand & that was the funny part of it. It was a darlin' episode.
Did anyone see the late nite early morning ABC news on the 24th? Where the 2 anchors were making fun of Marcel Marceau?
Whoppie Goldberg had her little say about them on the view yesterday. I happen to catch it by fluke and found it appalling that so called professionals would behave so tactlessly towards the jsut deceased. They obviously knew nothing about his life or career. He was a fasinating human being far beyond 'mime'.
6 comments: sad!!!!
Yes RIP for them both.
I loved her on Designing Women!! When she'd sing "Black man, black man!! Where did you come from?" when Meshach Taylor would come in the room.
OMG! On I Love Lucy y'day Ethel made a reference to Marcel Marceau! OK, that was about 50+ yrs ago! & Alice Ghostly was hilarious, my fav Designing Episode of her was when she wore the X-mas tree skirt for an actual skirt, it was very gawdy & tacky. I LOVE it! She wore it the entire episode & she loved her new skirt. They couldn't ever get her to understand & that was the funny part of it. It was a darlin' episode.
Wasn't she the shop teacher in the movie version of 'Grease'? God she was so funny as Bernice in DW. She will be missed.
Did anyone see the late nite early morning ABC news on the 24th? Where the 2 anchors were making fun of Marcel Marceau?
Whoppie Goldberg had her little say about them on the view yesterday. I happen to catch it by fluke and found it appalling that so called professionals would behave so tactlessly towards the jsut deceased. They obviously knew nothing about his life or career. He was a fasinating human being far beyond 'mime'.
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