Sunday, September 23, 2007

What did that bodyguard really say about Britney?

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The surprise witness, Tony Baretto, said Britney lets the babies play around the pool with no supervision. Hey, shut up...tadpoles kin swim, they's cuntry! Really, didn't we all know this?

Britney forgot to feed the kids. Ummm, hey, there's always bags of Cheetos laying around and cans of Red Bull. And don't forget moms lollys!

Britney would have fits and scream and cry and talk gibberish in front of the kids. Shoot, she does that in front of us.....and frankly I'm shocked she speaks any kind of language, gibberish included.

The best one of all..Britney walks around naked and burps and farts a lot. Ummm, geeeeyawd, can she be any less appealing??

BTW, these are fairly new pics. She gained a ton of weight after the VMA's and slapped on a black wig, then paraded around the yard in her underwear.


Anonymous said...

Wow -

Fartney is huuuugggeee !

LMFAO ! Either the cheetos are catching up with her or she's full of GAS !

Sheesh !

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Brit's because I believe that she is a glorified dancer, but never a true performaer. Lip synching is akin to air guitar; and that is just not something that I would pay money to go see. She doesn't need the money, her kids need a mommy. One day when she matures she will look back on these days and shudder. If she makes it that long.

Anonymous said...

Are you *sure* these are recent? Cause seriosly that's like 20 lbs. I don't think it's possible to gain that much weight in such a short amount of time.

Anonymous said...

porky pig

Anonymous said...

I dont think those are new, I think it was right after she shaved her head and starting wearing wigs shortly after.

Anonymous said...

burp#$%fart$#$@##@burp@#$#%%$fart !

it's shitney bitch ~

Anonymous said...

Holy hamhock legs on that first pic! And that is the most atrocious wig I've ever seen, wander if Elvira knows she raided her collection? :-/

Anonymous said...

The bodyguard in discussion was going to be interviewed on TODAY by Matt Lauer this morning. He was supposed to really spill! But being at work, I never see any daytime TV. Somebody tell us what he said please!

Chris said...

WTF? Fatty McLipsynch still wearing wigs? How long does it take her hair to grow?

Anonymous said...

Starbucks is really fattening, full of sugar & fattening creams. Plus, she's always been stumpy,thick & short on the bottom & low to the ground, so even a slight weight gain shows BIG TIME. If SHE were the actual care giver to those 2 baby boys, she'd be in the best shape of her life! 'Cuz they would have her run ragged & she'd get plenty of excercise. Thats what happened to me & I LOVED it!!! She's missing those babies young lives by not taking care of them herself. It's exhausting but sooo worth it & FUN!!

Anonymous said...

My goodness!! I thought those pics were when she was pregnant. Dang, she is big big big.....

Anonymous said...

She's hardly fat ... thick, yes, but I wouldnt call her fat.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO @ Fatty McLipsynch!!!

Anonymous said...

I think she has nice legs,though, guess that's from years of dancing maybe.

Anonymous said...

Did she shit herself? Is that a big poop stain on the back of her undies?