Sunday, September 23, 2007

Michael Lohan needs a giant dose of STFU

Michael "You only have to look at the poor state Britney Spears is in to know living in Hollywood is not good for these young girls. Lindsay and I both pray Britney can turn her life around, too.”

You know, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this insane two faced shit talking mo fo needs to shut the fuck up. When you're an ex druggie, ex convict and woman beater who pimps out your own screwed up drug addicted drunk driving whore of a daughter, who the fuck are you to talk about anyone else? He makes me so sick I could just punch him right in his smug mug. Next thing you know, he'll be holding a phoney media blitz prayer vigil in front of Britneys house. This idiot seriously needs to go away..or die.


Anonymous said...

That whole family are a buncha fuckups, they deserve one another.

Anonymous said...

Now that LL is sorta outta the limelight he's gotta latch onto whoever is out there right now AKA-Britney Spears. She doesn't even like her own parents, I really don't think she wants this jerk talking about her or "worrying", "praying" about her. Pu-leeez! He needs a job. Then on break he can comment on DD too!

Anonymous said...

Aren't they the pot calling the kettle black?!

Anonymous said...

IDIOT!enough said.
