Micheal Lohan finally got to ask for a blank check, errr, I mean visit his daughter in rehab. Dina acts like it was all her doing and said..
“I’m so glad he’s visiting her, I really wanted her to have closure a really long time ago, so she could come to terms with the abusive behavior that myself and my children endured when they were younger.”
Don't you mean the abuse that you and her dad heaped on them together? Yeah, yeah, poor you, Dina. It's all about you. Then there's this..
"She’s doing well. I’m so proud of her. She’s grown up.” As for Lindsay’s post-rehab plans, Dina main concern is intrusive photographers. “I’m petrified of the paparazzi. I’m afraid it’s going to be a frenzy when she’s out. I pray that it all works out well.”
Petrified of the paparazzi??? Since when, bitch? You're the one who drug camera crews to rehab last time and got paid for it. This crack ho kills me. Meanwhile, daddy Lohan say he's not talking about his visit. Yeah, that was a stipulation Lindsay put on the blank check. Dina continues to blather because 1. she's a crack head, they do that, and 2. she already has access to Lindsays bank accounts.
On rehab in Utah..“It’s gorgeous, it’s tranquil, it’s God’s Country.” Dina also shot down a report out this week that claimed Lindsay is her cashcow: “I don’t live off my daughter,” Dina said, laughing.
Umm, yeah you do and everyone knows it. Man, crack messes you up so bad you believe your own bullshit. And both these lame twat parents throw God references in every sentance, like that makes it all better. Dina thinks God will cut her a giant rail when she gets to Heaven. If there was really a God, he'd make this whore get a job. Got windy on this one, didn't I? Ha, well, Dina does that to me.
Dina is in denial. This is the third time I have heard her say "Lindsay is grown up"-bitch please. Studios wont insure her, the popo knows to be on the lookout for her, and I doubt many fans are waiting for her to come back. Shit, all of her movies flop even though she's cast alongside more talented actors. Yeah, she's got some talent, but her attitude of entitlement leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Youth is truly wasted on the young.
Whore & whore-ier
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