ParAss Hitlon is hoppin' mad. She's sueing Halllmark for using "That's hot" and her image on their cards. She want's half a million dollars and she'll get it. She DID trademark "That's hot"..it might not be much, but, it's hers. And they DID misappropriated her image, it doesn't take a lawyer to figure out they're screwed. I don't know about her claim of invasion of privacy..the twat never had or wanted any part of privacy, but, the cards are really lame. That's about as funny as anal warts.
It should be illegal to be able to trademark a combination of words that a lot of people use. In fact, in other countries, certain brands LOSE their trademarking when the name is considered part of normal English. Like calling all tape "Scotch tape" or all tissues "Kleenex".
She loves it dont let her fool you, its just some more publicity for her stupid ass !!
I am really suprised at Hallmark. WTF? Hundreds of Artists and this is all they could come up with? Someone was asleep at the copywrite switch. OMG, tell me ain't so... Hallmark has been infected by "Brain Death Disease".
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