The Emmys were so boring I don't even want to be bothered with posts about the pretentious ass kissing crap. Hayden Pantyliner showed up in this thing. It's been called the pregnant prom dress and smugglers delight. I thought she looked like some nerdy dumbass kid, which is what she is, so I guess it's apropo. Ryan Seacrest is probably bummed, he was planning on wearing it to the Oscars.
The emmys were retarded and so was that dress. I thought she looked preggers. Hugh Laurie didn't get the award, bummer.
Didn't watch, can't say I am sorry either. I hate awards shows. They don't mean anything! It's just a televised celeb fashion show, self back-patting fest!
Looks like somebody had alot of peach colored fabric they needed to get rid of! Did a big wedding get cancelled & this was all the bridesmaids dresses all made into one? Fat-a** dress...
I didnt watch it but I saw a few pics of what was worn and Pantystains dress is a pretty color but she indeed does look to be with child.
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