Monday, September 10, 2007

I think Beth Ditto's lost weight

No, I really do. She looks smaller. A lot smaller. Got a nip slip goin' there..hardly a shocker with Ditto. Hmm, I can't figure out why people keep saying this pic is NSFW and covering the crotch. She's got pannies on...I see 'em on the side. I think. You can't see any Beth crotch anyway, you'd have to try real dang hard in any position. Even if you were sitting below her onstage with aint happening. I'll bet it still looks better than Britney crotch, that stuff is fug lethal.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Taco Bell sounds good, huh?.

Anonymous said...

Why Why Why ??? has the whole world gone to whores ?

Dirty Disher said...

I need the number of the guy that makes her bras.

Anonymous said...

That is one snatch I could NOT go near !

Anonymous said...

Why DD? Is your chest as large as hers?

Dirty Disher said...

Didn't you get the nude pics? Damn...I musta sent them to Drake Bell by mistake. My rep will issue a formal apology later.

Anonymous said...

ewwww her nipple is like sneaking out the side.

Anonymous said...

DD, if you have the # of a good bra maker, I need it too!!


Anonymous said...

Daphne you need to quit suckin up everytime you get a chance. DD isnt a dyke like you!

Anonymous said...

Nobody here ever heard of Victorias Secret? Unless you need the local tent & awning company for that? Beth Ditto is a big girl & always will be, it's just how she is made. Her fans love her regardless.

Dirty Disher said...

Daphne, maybe we could go to the errr, tailor together. I hate shopping for underwear alone.

Anonymous said...

You know, no matter what we think or say, there are guys out there that would love to 'hit that'!

Anonymous said...

who the hell is Beth Ditto?

Anonymous said...

Beth Ditto is the frontwoman for the band "The Gossip".

Now, as for Beth having lost weight? I don't think so. I've seen a very recent pic of her and she looked um, well... like usual ;-)

I think she may look a wee bit "thinner" in that pic because she's dressed in all black. It's SLIMMING, dontcha know!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard that band, what kind of music is it ?

Anonymous said...

she's sexy, I love large women, more cushion 4 da pushin !

Anonymous said...

Roseanne, is that you girl ?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Drake Bell.. I had a sex dream about him 3 nights ago, I woke up very sticky

Unknown said...

EW Crabbie TMI!!!!LOL!