Monday, September 10, 2007

Todays slop..

Andy Baldwin dumped Tessa Horst. No more of this "postponed" engagement crap..he flat dumped her and he's now dating Miss Iran, Sepideh Haftgoli. All I can say is..HA HA HA! Yeah, I know..I really should have gotten over my hatred long ago. But, I'm not David Letterman, I can't pretend. Heh. I HATE Tessa.. and Andy is a tosser. Poor dumb desperate Miss Iran. Maybe I can learn to hate her too.


Anonymous said...

Miss Iran is hot. This rustpicker is just her ticket to the land of the big PX.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years !!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Salma or Penelope Cruz to me...I can't tell the dif!

Anonymous said...

Winnie Cooper got fat didn't she? Maybe she has trimmed down again, I can't remember. Topanga from Boy Meets World IS fat for sure. Why am I saying this??? jeez...has zero to do with this pic! Sorry...

Anonymous said...

Won't her daddy be able to legally (in Iran) kill her for shaming the family by dating an American not of their 'faith'??? She better be in hiding, not a joke DD!

Dirty Disher said...

I thought of that too, 7:06:00 AM. I also thought of Winnie Cooper..heh.

Anonymous said...

Oh we all knew she was too hesitant & iffy to carry through on moving to the big island to be with him & that he was too much of gamer for it to last.

I'm surprized it lasted this long.

I wouldn't worry about Miss Iran, she's obviously not from what we see & hear as typical iranian family or she wouldn't have been in the series of beauty pagents to begin with @ make up, bathing suits and flirting your way up the ladder.

Anonymous said...

No Winnie didnt get fat. I just watched that celeb kids grown up program not too long ago, she's a Harvard grad. too.

Anonymous said...

Actually a lot of Iranian families are very different from what we "see and hear." I dated a guy from Iran for two years and have loads of Iranian friends and there are really all types. I went to a wedding once where half of the women were wearing hejabs and not touching alcohol and the other half of them were wearing hoochie slutty outfits and stumbling all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Yes Topanga got chunky, she's still a cute girl though ;o)

Anonymous said...

seeing that couple makes you wonder if they'll start the next terrorist attack plot.