Sunday, September 16, 2007

James Brolin is a crazy old man

Brolin had an interview with New Haven's WPLR radio on 9/11. He opens with "Right, oh, yeah, Happy 9/11!" the DJ shot back with, "Well, that's kind of a weird thing to say. Yeah, well, we're right outside of New York, and I know people who lost family members, so . . . we don't say, 'Happy 9/11' around here."

Brolin: "Celebrate the day, right?"

I was going to ask if he was suicidal or just really ignorant, then I remembered he's married to Babs and realized he's both.


Anonymous said...

He has always struck me as an asshole. She is so fug its not even funny.

Miss Tia said...

one year at Kent State some ignorant student had a sign in their dorm window over looking the Prentice Hall parking lot which said "remember the good, forget the bad"....

Anonymous said...

Palaythamay says:
Ol' Babs didn't marry him for his brains.

Anonymous said...

seem to be a good match


Anonymous said...

Tasteless, ignorant, lots of words for this but none of them are good.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody reaaallly care about this? NO!