Sunday, September 16, 2007

Junior Senior - Can I Get Get Get

Oh, crimeny. Trust me when I tell you my first instinct is to say WTF? This is music? Uhhh. Silly little tarts dressed up as rap anime rap/sing repeated goofiness "get get get to know no no no ya better babahy." It occurs to me..I'm old. And I know goofy..take it from someone who happily laced up her white pom pommed go go boots to two step around a skating rink to the strains of The 1910 Fruitgum Company (7th grade..if you MUST know)...sigh, it IS catchy after you listen three times shaking your head like an old fart.

I also have the flu and I'm running a temp and I will use that when you ream me.

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