Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just Sweet..Jennifer Lopez

Fashion Week was such a bust, wasn't it? Everybody and their dog has a fashion line and most of them bombed terribly, from Gwen Stefanis mismatched houndstooth crap to J-Lo's Just Sweet collection. Why don't these stars just stick to singing? Jennifer has to be kiddding with the old man socks with strappy platforms and that one sleeve green garbage bag. I mean, let's get real. Gwen Stefani and Jennifer Lopez are the worst dressed stars of all they make fashion? What a waste of time and money.


Anonymous said...

Gwen is cool, no, we muggles can't wear her goods & pull it off but she's a fashion icon. She has her following. It's HER look it's not for mortals! JLo is another story, she has a big a** & that green bag ain't helpin' it much! No thanks Jiggly-Lo!

Anonymous said...

The shoes she's wearing with the sox is actually a Gwen look, I like Gwen too. I would never try to wear that in public, but I am not a famous pop-star either.

Anonymous said...

WTF ?? J-lo and Gwen both refuse to accept the fact that their almost 40 .. quit dressing like a damn teenybopper ladies

Anonymous said...

Hollywood & the music industry forgets about you if you allow yourself to get old. They can't get's not allowed!

Anonymous said...

Jen should stick to wearing Versace :)
Was she in her pyama and forgot that she had to go up and put on some silver stripper plateau sandals. Gross. That's no publicity. But that's better than putting on a baby seals hat or something.