Friday, September 21, 2007

Justine Bateman brings back memories

OMG...that dress! It's like the dreary curtains from Hell I saw once when I was actually in Hell. At least I think it was Hell, the idiot that brought me there said it was Gods country. In a remote mountain region 200 miles from the nearest town or neighbor the man of my (now) nightmares showed me this place. He said it was a bargain at 3 million dollars and I'd love it in time. I looked at the house which had THESE curtains (if you could call it a house, which I could never bring myself to call it anything but "ewww gross!) and I said to him "you're out of your fucking mind, cowboy." So he got mad and took off in the truck and left me there for a week with nothing but a cooler, a gun, and one really stupid dog. And these fucking curtains. The dog got ate by a mountain lion and I still have a fear of plaid so bad that even the sight of a kilt makes me shake and vomit. I blame it all on this dress..err, those curtains. were you thinking??
Please feel free to tell me your worst house hunting stories. Ish.


Anonymous said...

I kinda like it in a strange way !

Anonymous said...

i like it too...

Anonymous said...

Ugly dress..... great story DD...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this dress, very hippy & cool :o)

Anonymous said...

God that was a nasty house hunting story.. I'm tired of house hunting so I have just decided to get my own built..that way I can have what I want.

I haven't had any bad experiences though thankfully.


Miss Tia said...

i dunno if this 'bad' or was extremely unpleasant though...

i went to look at a house in an ideal had been vacant for a when i walked in it smelled musty [it was the 'normal' house hasn't been lived in mustiness]....nice little i walked towards the kitchen though my allergies and asthma really started bugging me...i asked the agent what was up and he said "i don't know"....

so i go into the basement and almost passed out....BLACK MOLD....i gasped out "black mold" before i ran outside cuz i was seriously having breathing issues....the agent comes out and said "well yeah, i try not to mention that until i take people to the basement"...i called him a fucking cock, left, called his supervisors and the city and that house got was totally unsaveable...

Dirty Disher said...

Ewwwwwwwwww! Poor you, seriously. Well this place I described looked like the Clampets cabin. There was a hole in the kitchen floor big enough to throw a fridge through, but, no fridge because there was no electricity. No water either. 3 mil my fat white ass!

Oh, there's a hint for girls looking for a mate..if he says he loves the great outdoors, it usually means he has no plumbing.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ loves the great outdoors = grizzly adams wanna be.

Anonymous said...

Oh no...this story is the worst...a realtor took a buyer to look at a house & was unable to get the homeowner at the door so they went on in, took the tour & the potential buyer found the home owner ( kinda young woman) in bed...DEAD!!! Had been dead for days. Probably got the house for a song!

Anonymous said...

My cousin went to look at a house about 3 yrs ago, that was still occupied by the owners, they failed to tell her that they had a pet monkey and when they were showing her through, they opened the one bedroom door and the monkey was swinging from the ceiling fan throwing its poop at her !!

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO @ the monkey! I probbaly would have asked if it went with the house. As for the dead guy..geez, that's about the worst I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

omg that is hilarious about the poop slingin' chimp !!