Friday, September 21, 2007

Lindsay Lohan pisses off some guys wife

The Blow can't go without sex, even in rehab. So she goes and screws some married dude, named Tony Allen, in a rehab toilet and now the guys wife is hoppin' mad.

*Stephanie Allen - the mother of Tony's eight-month-old twins Blake and Lakeland - has been left devastated by the claims and has kicked her husband out of their Georgia home. A friend told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "She's had it, period. They tried forever to have kids. She went through IVF three times and suffered two miscarriages, and when they finally got two beautiful babies, he hooks up in rehab with a girl half his age. "He is trying to live out this rock star fantasy at 40. All Stephanie wanted was for him to be a good husband and father."*

When asked about the enounter Toney said "Come on, it's Lindsay Lohan. Hell, yes! Wouldn't you?"

Hmm. Well first off, the guy's in rehab, there's a clue that he might not be problem free. And second, she's Lohan, you should have expected it.


Anonymous said...

What a slut. Grandpa fucker !

Anonymous said...

His soon to be ex-wife is better off getting Father of the Year out of her life.


Jess said...

God, what a moron! Who would be dumb enough to touch THAT with a ten-foot pole!? She was cute during Mean Girls-era, but now? ::Shudder::

Let's just hope Ex-Wifey's not dumb enough to sleep with her douchebag husband again...she'll probably catch some STD that people don't even know about yet. It's probably some trendy new STD that's all the rage with celebs: Dolce and Gonorrhea or something lame like that.

Anonymous said...

Eventually no program will take her if any of this behaviour is true. And jail will be unavoidable.

She's such an emotional mess i don't think she's shape up behind bars, scared straight to so speak. I thihk it would further her decent in a living hell or quicken her death.

Anonymous said...

Some celebrities need to be beaten within an inch of their life when they do shit like this. How else will they learn that their actions have consequences? It's not like the courts teach them that.

Anonymous said...

Lol, Dolce and Gonorrhea :D
What an utter slut. She was probably coked up when she did him. Hell, she's always coked up. She probably snorts in her sleep.

Anonymous said...

WELL I could eat her firecrotch all night long, I love this bitch!!

Anonymous said...

I was watching Freaky Friday yesterday and its a really cute movie, I was sitting there wandering where this girl went wrong, its a shame she's never had a resposible adult role model in her life, her mother is a money grubbing attention whore and her dad is a jailbird junkie who will never get on the right track, it almost seems that she's destined to crash and burn, I find that so sad.