WTF is up with this thing? Not only do I see no reason why she'd have to hold her blouse open like a common celeb slut, but, they gave her huge boobies. We've all seen Nicole naked and she has no boobs. Some people aren't meant to have boobs. She's a beautiful woman, why can't they just let us accept her for that? I find this photo disturbing. In the interview she talks briefly about the two miscarriages she had with Tom Cruise and says someday the real story may be told. History says Tom left her while she was pregnant with the last one she lost. I want to hear the story NOW! I just know that rotten bastard did something evil to her and she's still scared to talk about it. Anyway, Nicole and her current hubby, Kieth Urban are trying for a child of their own. Tick tock.
I think she's a good looking woman, if not a bit pastie in color. She does nothing for me by herself though, I need to have a side dish of complexion to go with my Nicky.
To each their own, but, I'm whiter than she is and I'm not ashamed of it. I don't think people are meant to be orange.
Nicole is waaay white & the shirt makes it even more so. But she's fab & we all love her. She will stay young that way! I sooo need to read this article. Poor Nic..just hurry up and make some little Urbans already. Is she saying this because ppl think she was barren or too vain to carry a baby & Katie got preg immediately because she's fertile? Does she even need to explain? It's nobody's biznaz.
My skin is pale white too. I love it! I hate the sun! I don't want to tan. I like the healthy glow of my skin. I don't need to pretend I'm a turkey and bake.
:) Eliza
Theres nothin wrong with pale skin, she looks great, I dont think her natural lips are that plump, but she looks good otherwise!
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