Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sharon Osbourne on sex with Ozzy

She said: "He's like a rabbit, he's terrible. Every song gets him in the mood for love. He's just like that battery-powered bunny. Instead of that little rabbit they should have Ozzy's willy banging a drum."
"My husband takes a size 14 shoe and has massive hands. He doesn't need any help in that department."The outspoken star then admitted they both enjoy each other's massive parts.She added: "We've been married nearly 25 years. The best thing I ever did was getting my bust implants. He loves them. He is like a newborn baby."
Yeah, that's great if you like having sex with the mentally impared. Have you listened to him lately? That'd be kinna like child molesting, only legal. Ick.


Anonymous said...

I like Sharon but i've got to agree with you on the Ozzy bit. Too bad the man fried himself.

Anonymous said...

Love them!!! Leave them alone, she takes care of him & he totally worships her! As he should!

Anonymous said...

well good for them! more than half married couples don't even last that long together and sex is nonexistant.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! God bless em... It does my heart good to see a couple married all those years and still up for a tumble in the sheets on a more or less regular basis.

I've met Sharon on a couple of occasions and she's an absolute dolly. A no BS dolly, but a dolly just the same. And say what you will about the kids, that's one strong, united and LOVING family. They adore those kids and the love and respect is returned tenfold. Sure they've all had their rows, but at least they face up to their issues, settle them and MOVE ON stronger than before.

As for Ozzy's "state", he can't be too fried or he wouldn't be up for all the hijinx!

Anonymous said...

"Hijinx" don't require full mental capabilities. Even completly retarded men can get it up.

I am not calling him retarded. Inspite of having not meet them lol I happen to like both he and his wife and admire their strenght as a family and the obvious love they have for one another still to this day.

However only someone who's in complete denial can't see Ozzy smoked, swallowed or injected one thing too many and it's after effects on his speech and awareness at times.

Anonymous said...

""Hijinx" don't require full mental capabilities. Even completly retarded men can get it up."


I also love that crazy old married couple, they are inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't fuck him with "with love"s pussy

Anonymous said...

Poor soul has Parkinsons, I'm surprised he can even get it up because of that plus all the drug and alcohol abuse.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:50

Neither would I ! LOL

Anonymous said...

I had no idea he had parkinson's disease! That explains ALOT.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone on here EVER really taken a look at Ozzy's face? he is a very handsome man & he stays in shape. He still performs & for his crazy life, he's actually in great shape & he had a Dr that was waaay over medicating him & caused his shaking. This was during the time of their MTV show. If he has Parkinson's I have never heard that one. He's hilarious & I love them so much. She's amazing & made Ozzfest free this year. Great people.

Anonymous said...

Remember his 'tent pole' on their show? He's sooo funny "Shaaaaaron"!!! I have a tent pole"...LMAO!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I just got that, what she said. I thto she was talking about The Rabbit sex toy & she meant The Energizer Bunny! Same thing if you think about it I guess...

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:47 .. I agree, Ozzy isnt too shabby lookin in the face, I was watching the true hollywood story on him this AM and he was really cute when he was in his 20's !

Anonymous said...

Ozzy is a good lookin' guy, now even! Neither of his younger kids look like him much. Sharon is gorgeous too, so what happened?

Anonymous said...

IDK wth happened, Aimee looks like him, Kelly looks like the younger Ozzy & Jack is just fug, he's the mailmans kid I guess :-)~

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing when DD posted about Halle Berry's upcoming sprog and how good looking the baby would be. Most likely yes, but there are always those genetic twists that just happen. There's more genetic material involved than the looks of the parents. Sometimes, incredibly attractive parents produce average kids, and plain looking parents have adorable kids.


Anonymous said...

The big hands and feet thing is a myth - my husband has huge hands and feet and I'll be the first to admit that he isn't hung like an ox ... he isnt small by any means, but not what he *should* be according the big hands and feet fable :o}