Saturday, September 22, 2007

Spears...meltdown number 799

Britney's not crying because of the hit and run charges..she's crying because she had to go to court ordered drug testing. Showing us her C-section scar from the bottom up wasn't humiliating, but, this is. Boo hoo.


Anonymous said...

How do you manage to drive for so many years with no license at all?

You or I would be hung out to dry.

Miss Tia said...

she's cuntry y'all!

Anonymous said...

How does she even have car insurance? cant have it w/out a license here in my state

Anonymous said...

"It's Britney Bitch!" Don't y'all know??????
Ok... where's my 14 year-old (at least mentally) heckler?


Anonymous said...

OKAYYYY, something doesn't add up with all this "no driver's license" crapola and I'm not sure why no one else seems to have picked up on it...

Over the past year or so, there have been several published pap photos of Britney as she sat behind the wheel after being pulled over by either city police or the California Highway Patrol.

As a former police officer in the southern California area, I know for a fact that it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE that Britney was stopped by police for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER-- and not asked to produce a valid driver's license, current registration and proof of insurance. Even if the result was merely her being given a warning.

You just can't get past "Hello, Officer..." without having to hand it over. I don't care WHO you are.
Britney Spears or the Governator.

So.... what gives? Dish? Anyone...?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Valid point 9:56:00 PM, I wondered the same.

It's possible her license wasn't orginally obtained in ca. but another state and they are twisting that to make it seem she doesn't have one at all. Which makes no sense for the reasons you've pointed out and another poster about the insurance issue which is the same all over @ must have valid dl.

Once anyone's fallen on the bad side of the gossip hounds of hollywood anything at all is game to take and stretch to add to the pile.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen someone want attention so bad as to do the things she does. She really needs to invest in a life!

Dirty Disher said...

She HAS been stopped several times. Once the cops even helped push her car. All I know is, I got a ticket for having my old adress on my license, in the same town. Britney just gets waved on with no license.

Anonymous said...

This story seems stupid. But most of those girls out there are still driving on suspended licences anyway & thats Ok. I guess they are strating to get in trouble for it but it took them long enough! & Brit needs to produce a licence. How can that be? She just bought that fabu little white sporty car that I love. This story is insane. She's lived in LA way too long not to have replaced her DL with a new one, if she ever had one from another state.