Daniel Radcliffe has a twisty tounge.
Jessica Alba takes time out from being the hottest girl ever in the known universe to show her thumb trick. She probably injured that puppy while sitting around with it up her ass looking at articles calling her the hottest girl in the known universe.
Its called Hitchhikers Thumb, mine bend back like that too LOL
daphnes wishin elizas tongue would do that :x
Who the hell is the stupid dumb ass that writes shit about daphne all the time? Who the hell is daphne even??? What the fuck is wrong with you? You must be "borderline" retarted since you manage to type...
what is so great about her? i cannot get past that bucky bar and those weird lips.
hey you fucking borderline retard. read the other posts dimwit and youll see that daphne is a psyco bitch that write in defense of what people say..
retarted since you manage to type...
Well since you cant spell RETARDED I'll assume that your full blown retarded .. piss off skank !
HAHA the last two posts were by the same fucker!!! Its an insult to "retarded" people to clump you in the same group as them, thats why you are reTARTed, you're a fucken tart :p
NOW go get that hole in your head patched up, your ignorance keeps leaking out!
with love said...
HAHA the last two posts were by the same fucker!!!
LOL, ok dumbass, your giving me too much credit now, I'm glad you think I thought up those 2 posts AND typed them in 2 minutes .. thanks for the compliment that I'm a fast typist though LOL
Lookie here anal buccaneer, you're not fooling anyone~ If you cant type more than two short posts in two minutes, then you're admitting to being "reTARTed"
NOW ride off into the night 'ass bandit' LOL...hehehe..giggle...snort...yeah I'm laughing with you...te hee
Boo fuckin hoo .. you think what you want little girl, I'd take credit for it if I was the one who wrote both those posts but the fact is I didnt, I have nothing to hide esp. from a cunthole bitch like you .. are you that fucking dumb that you think theres only ONE anonymous poster?? Now get to bed little one :-)
Whats the matter "with love"? Did mommy say lights out ?? Or are you sitting there trying to think of something clever to post? Little cunt that you are.
Yeah one dumb anonymous ass nibbler that puts two little dots .. instead of three ... like normal people do, which are called 'ellipses' by the way.
Thanks for entertaining me tonight, you deserve an award for 'biggest insignificant cack of the year' chump!
Oh no I had to take a shit break, thanks for the worry :)
Oh look more than one post in one minute!
How many can we get?
Come on miss thang!
uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
Glad you think I'm a "miss"
Thinking is your specialty aye???
Did it take you that long time to find the parenthesis button?
Well I see you ran out of thoughts...night
Oh no my dear, I was just reading some of your other posts, I didnt realize that your a lesbian !! Well now we have something in common! We both munch the carpet ! Only difference is I dont have what I eat like you do
Whats the matter sweetpea? Poopin again are we ?
Make sure you wipe good honey
U done yet ?
Actually I was busy sucking my husbands dick...yum...
Does he know you eat snatch too ?
Yeah we share
Bet its a turn on to him knowing you just took a dump huh ?
Well at least you guys share, thats important in a good marriage ;-)
He loves the smell of my shit :) Thats true love!
Yeah LOL
You are a nasty pig with love !
I've looked back, out of morbid curiosity, I guess...and I don't see where daphne is psycho. She seems to a whole lot saner than anon 6:08. Anyone who gets his/her panties in a bunch over someone saying something that has nothing to do with them has problems. I see some other anon has posted for her after the childish picking started. And I also see that daphne didn't start it and hasn't commented in a while. So anon...good job being a bully and a sick pervert. I'm sure your mom would be proud.
eat my shit anon5:33
My comment was not directed towards you "with love". Your not the one who said daphane was psycho.
eat my shit anyways anon7:01 haha!
OH MY GOD! That stupid fucker took my name I DID NOT WRITE THE LAST TWO POSTS!!!!!!
"retarted" Are u kiddin' me? Calling somebody else that & not even know how to f'g spell it??? Retarded is spelled like that, now shut up & whoever is typing about Eliza or Daff-O is my f'g hero so shut up. if you don't know who the he** they are, you don't ever read this blog! They are 2 nuns that comment on here all the time & try to instill their religious beliefs on everyone else or they are making disgusting lezbo comments!! So go back where u came from.
LOL anon:3:24 ~ "With love" is a fucking joke & she talks like a trashy pig, I think she has several alias's on here just to start shit. What an ass, bet she makes her parents proud ;-)
(Actually I was busy sucking my husbands dick...yum...)
You are a nasty hosebeast.
Its you again, posting as though there were many of you. You're a tart! SERIOUSLY you must have no life! Im going to start calling you anal buccaneer.
With Love, what is your major malfunction? You are the pot calling the kettle black about having no life, I see just as many posts from you as their are from anonymous.
I'M NOT talking about the amount of posts, Im referring to Anon's taking over other posters identities on multiple threads.
To clarify there are two days worth of posts here.
FINALLY shut the fuck up, I do what I want in my free time!
How do you know its the same person on different threads? Do you realize there are billions of people online right now? I'm thinking that perhaps your right about it being the same poster and that same poster is you. And by the way, why is it ok for you to do what you chose to do in your free time but when someone else does it, they need to get a life? Hypocrite.
WELL, the personality is the same, and the writing style is the same.
If you want to believe that its me then fine, whatever! Ive been 'with love' on here since January. But really who gives a fuck!
Im really starting to hate this site now...again.
The difference between what I do with my free time is that I dont troll around on threads like Anon does, I come here to relax. It sucks having fuckers like her messing around with the main posters.
>The difference between what I do with my free time is that I dont troll around on threads like Anon does,<
WHAT? are you fucking serious?? You are the biggest damn troll on here! And for you to think he or she is the only anonymous poster on this site is absolutely ridiculous! I really think that you are mentally challenged or on drugs. Get help. Please.
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