Thursday, October 18, 2007

Americas favorite homo says Britney won't call him

Lance Bass has known Brit forever and now she won't talk to him.

Lance: "It was the night of her first wedding, actually. I was in Vegas with her, her dancers, her manager, and my boyfriend at the time… Her manager had already gotten rid of [her first husband] Jason [Alexander] - they’d flown him home. Britney was upset about what she had done…I felt the need to share something. So I sat her on my bed, and I’m like, Well, I’m gay!"

Lance says that's the last time he saw his friend Britney Spears and she won't return his calls. Aww, geez, Lance..everyone adores you so don't take it personally. I doubt it's because Brit doesn't like gays, it's just that she finally figured out there was not one chance in celeb Hell you were ever going to sleep with her.


Miss Tia said...

that really shows what a twit this guy's britney really upset over marrying someone for a day, her manager and parents intervene send the guy packing and probably lectured her for hours....then here's this so-called friend of hers instead of offering comfort declares to her he's

like that would comfort her? that would have made her feel better??? i now blame lance de'bass'ed for britney's downfall...this is really when all her problems started when she married that guy in vegas....

if lance had been a real friend instead of self-centered he could have offered her support and encouragement...

his fault....

Anonymous said...

Miss Tia, you crack me up. Yeah, Lance Bass is the reasl reson for Brit's probs! LMAO!!! Good one! *Flips off Miss Tia* Hey! She's flipping me off!

Anonymous said...

reasl reson??????

WTH? Sorry 'bout that!
real reason...

Dirty Disher said...

Spelling's not a big concern me.

Anonymous said...

Miss tea did you get your heart broke by a gay guy? You have some issues. DD as a TS/TV doesnt that bother you?

Anonymous said...

I think I would let him munch on my butt and suck my nutters :-D

Anonymous said...

Crabbie? U got the crabs? I don't think Lance will want to catch that from u. The name just gives me that idea. Or maybe u r just grumpy 'cuz Lance denied u? LOL! Lance's face has a weird shape anyways.

Anonymous said...

Miss Tia has issues? Ya think???!!!
Her pic says it all. I would make friends with her tho so she wouldn't beat me up!!

Anonymous said...

Miss Tia's into vampires and gardening and eromotherapy I hardly think she can beat you up LOL