Thursday, October 18, 2007

Just an observation about Kellie Pickler

When Kellie was on AI she was so cute..dumb as a sprouting onion, but, cute. Now she's got the Hollywood plastic boobs, fake and bake and whatever that is she's done to her poor face. Geeez, this makes me so sad. Why would a young cute girl want to make herself look 40??? Because she really IS dumb as toast, I guess.


Anonymous said...

What gives with young people getting plastic surgery (and fake tans, etc.)and they come out the other end looking like 50-year-olds who have had work done? Don't people notice this phenonmenon?

Anonymous said...'s Halloween...come on's just a costume!

Anonymous said...

She looks like Sharon Stone (the old not-so-attractive Sharon)!!!

Anonymous said...

She's probably trying to deep six Hooterville, the deserting mom and the imprisoned dad, the whole depressing background. Now she's not Kellie Pickler, with all that baggage, she's the new, improved, Hollywood Kellie! She's young and she just wanted to reinvent herself, like so many people seem to want to do. But I agree, coming out of that mess of a life as such a seemingly nice, unaffected person and the way she looked was a lot of her original charm.


Anonymous said...

She isn't attractive in either pic. Blech! Who is this nasty thing?

Anonymous said...

UGGGHHH! I HATE THIS CHICK! She was the single most annoying thing to come out of AI, along with Sanjaya! Truly! Cannot stand her! And she's NEVER been attractive, GROSS! With that stupid, simple southern crap she was selling... UGGGHHH!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 4:12, don't sugar coat it - give it to us straight! :)


Anonymous said...

That was a good observation, DD...she does look 40. She's gonna regret that move one day!

Anonymous said...

I don't care, I would still lick her ass to tell her what she had for breakfast !!!!