Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Angelina Jolie filming new movie

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Angie is filming The Changeling , the story of a womans (in the 1920's) who's son was abducted and returned and she thinks he's not her real child. It actually sounds good. Dare I say it? She looks gorgeous when she smiles. Kind of Peg Bundy-ish, but, hot. Check out those retro shoes. Nice.


Anonymous said...

She does look lovely in the close-up & I hate her, so for me to say that is a big downer for me. But check out the saggy stockings? Her toothpicks can't even support them! They are outta control. Bagging & sagging. Maybe thats supposed to be the look she's going for here tho. Stockings back then didn't have any support so they are probably very realistic. The plot does sound good tho.

Anonymous said...

In all the pics I see, she either looks goofy, like she does in the close-up shot, or matronly, like a 58 year old woman, or like pure evil.

People will admire anything or at least look at anything, making it popular.

And she's a crap actress.

Anonymous said...

Was just going to comment on the shoes. I want.