Tuesday, October 16, 2007


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Remember these photos from awhile back? Several websites posted them, saying Colin Farrell son was a hissy throwing spoiled brat. I got some flack for posting in the comments that you can't know he's just throwing a tantrum, that he might have a medical condition. I was told to STFU and the all the kid needed was a good spanking. Turns out the child, James, has Angelman Syndrome. It's a rare form of CP. I may not know much, but, I know you can't judge little kids by their behavior. Sometimes it's no ones fault. I learned that the hard way.

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Colin says "I have never thought of my son as being someone with a disability. It goes back to special needs and what is a disability and what isn't." James is four years old and has just learned to walk. You go, James!


Anonymous said...

The pic of father and son is adorable! (plus daddy gets his once a month bath!)

Unknown said...

what is wrong with the world these days? It's like little kids are being diagnosed with rare illnesses every freaking day.

Anonymous said...

Even with all his money & fame, he still can't cure his own son. Money isn't everything. I bet he'd give it all up if his son could be well. He seems like a genuine person, albeit a man-whore but he's a real guy, from the pub down the street, ya' know?

Anonymous said...

Didn't you post the story about Colin & the homeless guy? Awesome story. Changed the homeless mans life!Touched my heart & he did it w/o any fanfare or paps around. Just to be a good person. Gotta love a guy like that.

Anonymous said...

That woman is hideous.