Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Okay..I might have been wrong

When Kim says "Mom, there is a WHORE watching your children," and Bruce Jenner gets kicked in the balls..I'm entertained.


Anonymous said...

Looks stupid & lame kinda like The Carters show last year. Only this has a little of the Laguna Beach feel to it. Is it on MTV or VH1 or what? I might want a good laff myself. When is it on? I would love to laff at Kim's fat ass!!! I ain't got one of those!

Anonymous said...

A child living with pure trash and learning how to use a strip pole.


Anonymous said...

Bruce Jenner has fallen so far from his glory days as an olympian. Married into that garbage family. How sad.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Jenner is married to one of them? Gawd! I bet Brody has been f'g his own step sisters! As if they'd have his stupid a**.

Anonymous said...

Bruce looks like Pat Boone here. Didn't recognize him at all.

Anonymous said...

That little girl on the pole freaked me out too, if I was her mom I'd kill whoever showed her how to do that! That almost seems like it would border on something illegal to me. Like an investigation should take place about this childs home life.